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A famed economist who called the 2008 recession warns stocks look ‘eerily similar’ to how

The S&P 500 is just inches off of its January 2022 all-time high. Unfortunately, the benchmark index could be doomed to suffer the same fate in 2024 as it did then, when it fell as much as 25% and closed out the year down 20%.

That’s according to David Rosenberg. He is the founder of Rosenberg Research and the former chief economist at Merrill Lynch — and he called the 2008 recession.

In multiple client notes this week, Rosenberg said that his models point to poor performance for the S&P 500. In fact, the model says the outlook for stocks is just about as weak as it gets.

rosenberg research equity model

Rosenberg Research

Here’s the same model in line chart form.

rosenberg research equity model

Rosenberg Research

Rosenberg’s model takes into account stock valuations, investor sentiment, market technicals, investor positioning, and macro fundamentals.

“The setup for 2024 is looking eerily similar to how we entered 2022, with positioning, sentiment, and technicals all at extreme readings – matching what we saw in December 2021 (and with worse fundamentals to boot),” Rosenberg said in a note. “The risk/reward profile leaves much to be desired, with our models pointing to lightening exposure at this time or, at the very least, having proper hedges in place.”

As far as technicals are concerned, Rosenberg pointed to the S&P 500 equal-weighted index still being below 2022 highs. It’s also vastly underperforming the market cap-weighted index, suggesting that breadth — the number of stocks participating in the market’s moves — is still lagging. The Value Line Geometric Index, which essentially measures the performance of the overall market’s median stock, has also performed relatively poorly, Rosenberg points out.

Valuations are also high by many measures. Here’s the commonly used Shiller cyclically-adjusted price-to-earnings ratio, which is at levels seen in 1929.

shiller pe


Positioning is also historically high — the share of household assets in equities is at dot-com bubble levels.

household equity holdings

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Investor sentiment depends on what index you look at, but CNN’s Fear and Greed Index, for example, shows investors are still bullish. Sentiment can be considered a contrarian indicator.

cnn's fear and greed index


And fundamentals tell a mixed story. The labor market appears strong based on headline numbers, with unemployment at 3.7%. Inflation has fallen below 4%. Consumer spending is still positive. And real GDP growth in Q3 was an incredible 4.9%.

But leading indicators also show weakness ahead. Here’s The Conference Board’s Leading Economic Index, which bundles together manufacturing data, bond and stock market performance, housing market activity, and consumer sentiment data.


The Conference Board

Recession ahead?

Rosenberg’s view is that a recession is coming for the US economy. He said this week that labor market indicators show further softening ahead despite still-low unemployment.

“All of these data, when looked at together, lead to this one conclusion — early signs of cracks in the labor market have become apparent in the form of slower hiring and a shorter workweek. The economy doesn’t jump from a tight labor market to layoffs,” Rosenberg said in a note on Friday. “Slowing of hiring is the bridge in between, and layoffs follow as the economy enters recession (leading to a sharp spike in the unemployment rate). Consequently, it’s a matter of time before job market weakness becomes more apparent.”

He also pointed to poor sentiment from small businesses, according to the National Federation of Independent Businesses’ Small Business Optimism Index.

nfib small business optimism index

Rosenberg Research

Other indicators show waning consumer power, like fewer excess savings compared to the last couple of years and rising delinquencies on credit card debt and auto loans. Monthly jobs data have also been revised down over the last several months.

While Rosenberg’s economic outlook is shared by names like GMO’s Jeremy Grantham and Societe Generale’s Albert Edwards, the consensus outlook has shifted to that of a soft-landing outcome ahead as the US economy has powered through the Federal Reserve’s hawkish regime. Most strategists, therefore, see continued upside in 2024 for the S&P 500.

Labor market and inflation data in the months ahead will tell the story for the US economy. If unemployment and CPI stay low, investors could be in for another big year. If inflation flares up again — and there are signs this could happen — or unemployment starts to rise meaningfully, as Rosenberg wrote in a note on Friday: “Look out below.”

Read Nore:A famed economist who called the 2008 recession warns stocks look ‘eerily similar’ to how