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Average American spends this much time planning for the following day

Nearly half of Americans say responding to texts is one of their least favorite daily tasks (46%), according to new research.

A survey of 2,000 adults looked at all the planning that goes into different parts of life and found that 59% “always” or “often” find themselves wishing they could find an easier way to do the tasks they dislike.

Other tasks they wish they could take the easy way for include planning their meals (52%), looking ahead at their workday (43%) and planning their travel (37%).

The average American spends 48 minutes planning for the following day, with men averaging spending longer than women (52 minutes vs. 44 minutes).

But is all the planning worth it? Three-quarters of respondents admit that they spend too much time planning for things that go by in the blink of an eye, like what outfit they will wear to work or the food they will eat on vacation (76%).

59% of people are looking for easier ways to do their daily tasks. Yakobchuk Olena – stock.adobe.com

Conducted by OnePoll for Apple Vacations, the survey found that respondents wouldn’t mind having help when it comes to doing their laundry (47%) and planning their vacation (32%).

Others could use a hand shopping for their groceries (33%), cooking dinner (38%) and organizing their calendar (37%).

Americans say responding to texts is among their daily stressors. SWNS

To more easily get through these tasks, Americans get products or groceries delivered through auto-subscriptions (54%), multitask (50%), use “autofill” on their phone (50%) and get help from a travel planner (48%).

“Prospective travelers oftentimes feel overwhelmed when planning a vacation due to the amount of steps that need to be checked off the to-do list. To combat the stress, travelers should consider ways to combine steps such as by building their flights and hotel stays. In addition, all-inclusive resorts also take a lot of the guesswork out of vacation planning as meals and activities are included, leaving more time for travelers to pick out the best book to read on the beach,” shared Dana Studebaker, Vice President of Marketing, Consumer Brands at Apple Vacations. 

47% of Americans would appreciate help with menial tasks like doing their own laundry. SWNS

Although they sometimes may need another set of hands, 35% of those surveyed said they have difficulty asking for help from others.

And when they do get around to asking for help, a majority admit they’d be worried that the tasks wouldn’t be done to their standards (81%).

Giving up control may be necessary, though, especially for those who wish they could “skip to the good part” of time-consuming activities like enjoying a vacation after planning it (57%), moving into the home of their dreams (50%) and having a fresh home after cleaning (14%).

58% of Americans admit to taking charge of travel plans, but most would prefer to be able to lay back and relax. SWNS
88% of people who take charge in travel plans would rather not. SWNS

The survey also asked respondents about how they go about making travel decisions and found that eight in 10 agree that they’d want to spend as little time as possible planning and as much time as possible enjoying their vacation (83%).

Planning, even if they’re not the ones doing it, is necessary to achieve this since more respondents are at ease when they have their travel days scheduled in advance (55%).

A majority of Americans claim that they’re usually the ones who take the lead on making travel plans (58%), and an overwhelming 88% of these respondents wish they could be on the other side of enjoying a vacation without being the one in charge.

Many are trying to get ahead of the curve as the average person surveyed is currently planning two trips about five months from now.

The average person is planning 2 trips every 5 months. SWNS

“Taking the easy road is nothing to be ashamed of. It simply gives people time back in their lives to focus on the things that are important to them. With so many online tools and resources out there to help make daily tasks more efficient, it can be a badge of honor to get through mundane tasks and have more time for the main events. For example, instead of researching dozens of individual hotel websites looking for the best deal, online travel agencies can inspire and book your vacation in just a few clicks,” shared Greta Hidalgo North America Sales Director for Catalonia Hotels & Resorts in Mexico and the Dominican Republic.

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