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Brigade encourages Londoners to complete Home Fire Safety Checker for those they care for

Ahead of the clocks going back this weekend, London Fire Brigade is appealing for those who care for others to complete the online Home Fire Safety Checker for their loved ones.

There are around 4.9 million ‘informal carers’ in the UK*, with many expected to head over to the homes of those they care for this weekend to turn back clocks. This includes people who care for their parents, grandparents, and others over the age of 65.

Analysis of LFB data shows that firefighters see around a 50 per cent increase in over-65s injured in fires in October on average in comparison to the month prior. In addition, around one third of people who die or are severely injured by fire are in receipt of some form of care or support. 

London Fire Brigade’s Home Fire Safety Checker guides Londoners around their homes, allowing them to self-assess any fire risks and get tailored advice on how to put them right. Following improvements this April, the Brigade now focuses its resources on those most at risk which means those that complete the checker and are classed as ‘very high risk’ will receive contact from firefighters within four hours.

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It just gives me a bit of peace of mind knowing we’ve taken the time to check

Diana provides informal care to her mother in Hampton and used the Brigade’s checker after a near-miss at her mother’s home. She said: “I’m always going to my mum’s just to check-in on her and we’ve been spending some time making sure her home is ready for the winter. Just things like mending the outbuilding roof, checking her heating is on the right temperature, clearing drains.

“A few months ago, my mum placed a candle under the TV and burnt a hole through it. Luckily, the plastic melted but didn’t cause a fire. It does play on my mind making sure she is okay when no one else is there, so a family member recommended we complete the Home Fire Safety Checker to see if there was anything else in her home we needed to make some changes to.

“It gave us some advice on using candles and we made some changes to the extension leads that were in the bedrooms and checked her smoke alarms. It just gives me a bit of peace of mind knowing we’ve taken the time to check for these things in her home.”

It could make all the difference this winter to keeping your loved ones safe

Assistant Commissioner for Prevention and Protection, Charlie Pugsley, said: “It’s a sad fact that the most vulnerable members of our communities are more likely to die in fires. Not only are people often less able to escape if a fire does break out, but they may also have equipment or products in their home which can increase the speed and intensity of a fire.

“With the clocks going back and the nights getting longer and colder, there’s an increased risk of fire as many turn to alternative ways to heat and light their homes on a budget, such as using portable heaters or candles.

“That’s why we’re asking for help from both formal and informal carers. When you pop over to change the clocks, or drop the shopping off this weekend, please spare a few minutes to sit down and complete our Home Fire Safety Checker. It could make all the difference this winter to keeping your loved ones safe from fire.”

Deputy Mayor for Fire and Resilience, Fiona Twycross, said: “London Fire Brigade’s free online safety checker is the best way to help identify potential fire risks in your home or the home of someone that you care for. It’s easy to use, only takes a few minutes to complete and is an excellent tool to help Londoners protect themselves and their loved ones from the risk of a fire.”

For more information on helping to identify and reduce fire risks in the home of someone you care for, take a look at the Brigade’s Carers Guide to Home Fire Safety.

Read More:Brigade encourages Londoners to complete Home Fire Safety Checker for those they care for