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Britain’s UKMTO receives report of gunmen boarding ship in Gulf of Oman

The individuals were reportedly wearing military-style uniforms with masks.

Four to five “unauthorized” individuals who were “armed” and “wearing military style black uniforms with black masks” reportedly boarded the vessel early Thursday in the Gulf of Oman in an area some 50 nautical miles east of Sohar, a port city on Oman’s northern coast, according to a notice from the UKMTO, which is part of Britain’s Royal Navy and provides warnings to sailors in the Middle East.

The UKMTO said that the ship has reportedly “altered course towards Iranian territorial waters and communications with the vessel have been lost.”

“Authorities are investigating,” the UKMTO added. “Vessels are advised to transit with caution and report any suspicious activity to UKMTO.”

This is a developing story. Please check back for updates.

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