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China’s $7 Trillion Crash Masks The Really Bad News

Economists are struggling to put China’s epic $7 trillion stock crash in perspective. The best size and scope may be that, since 2021, the market has lost the combined gross domestic product of Japan and France.

And that’s not even the worst news emanating from Asia’s biggest economy. No, the reference here isn’t to Chinese deflation deepening at the fastest pace in decades. Or that “China Evergrande” is trending again. The reference is to the war that Xi Jinping’s inner circle seems to be waging against bad news itself.

In recent week, the state security ministry has reportedly made clear Beijing is on the lookout for those disseminating negative views on China’s economic and market prospects. This chilling warning not to “denigrate China’s economy” via “false narratives” is Mao Zedong, not Adam Smith. And it raises troubling questions as China’s influence soars.

China’s top intelligence agency is saying the quiet part out loud as it prioritizes “strengthening economic propaganda and public opinion guidance.” The truly disturbing question, though, is what’s written between the lines in bold font.

In January, Bloomberg reported that Citigroup is discouraging its private bankers from discussing China’s currency or strategies to hedge the yuan when visiting the mainland. More recently, Xi resurrected the “Article 23” stunt the Communist Party has been trying to impose on Hong Kong for two decades now.

This vaguely worded law is meant to bring a city once considered the London of Asia more in line with China’s curbs on information deemed dangerous to the state. It builds on sweeping changes China foisted upon Hong Kong in 2020, following widespread protests a year earlier.

The law centers on five offences: treason, insurrection, espionage, destructive activities endangering national security, and external interference. What constitutes each infraction is an open question, and maddeningly so if you work for a foreign investment bank, news outlet, consulting company or internet platform.

If you’re an economist convinced China’s economy is in trouble, do you dare put it in a report or a speech? If you think a mainland company is cooking the books, how do you warn investors without risking a visit from the authorities? Or if a strategist senses a certain mainland property developer might default soon, do you flag those concerns publicly?

If you’re a foreign news company with reporting that China’s local government debt risks are worse than known, do you run the story? If a reporter does an interview with a short seller like, say, Muddy Waters, might you be in trouble with the Ministry of State Security?

If a hedge fund manager like Kyle Bass—or funds George Soros founded—is betting against the yuan or Hong Kong dollar peg, might social media companies get in trouble for helping share the news?

If you’re an academic in Hong Kong studying the effects of record mainland youth unemployment—on which China has stopped releasing data—do you bury the research? If you’re a non-government organization that would prefer not to be banned in China researching the environmental damage from “Belt and Road projects,” what do you do?

All of these scenarios could be less hypothetical a year from now considering the events of the last six weeks.

In December, for example, mainland microblogging site Weibo Corp. asked some users not to bad-mouth the economy in posts. Users are being encouraged not to use “various clichés intended to undermine China’s economy” or “attempt to strategically contain and suppress China.”

In recent weeks, commentaries by prominent economists and journalists have been scrubbed from cyberspace. This, at a moment when Xi’s team is working to spotlight upbeat views on the economy, the real estate sector and the stock market.

These aren’t the actions of a strong and confident government. They’re the actions of officials who know their capital markets aren’t ready for global prime time. If China hopes to reverse the trillions of dollars of outflows the economy has suffered since 2021, it should be going the other way and increase transparency. Let the news, good or bad, come out.

When Xi swept to power in 2012, he pledged to let the market play a “decisive” role in policy decisions. Instead, his decade in power made China’s economy even more of a black box. The Xi era has made press censorship great again, while opacity has increased in financial circles.

It’s not just that corporate governance has grown murkier. Beijing has sought to export the phenomenon to Hong Kong, too. Hopes for better credit rating practices, clearer market surveillance mechanisms and a media universe empowered to police inefficiencies, festering risks or malfeasance aren’t panning out.

This creates quite a disconnect between the economy that Xi thinks he’s built and the one that global investors confront. Again, dimming the lights for investors isn’t the action of a self-assured government comfortable with its economy in 2024. The good news will be when Xi’s inner circle is confident enough to let the bad news flow.

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