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Chinese woman’s love story with ChatGPT’s ‘DAN’ will remind you of the film ‘Her’

In a real-life twist reminiscent of Joaquin Phoenix’s ‘Her’, a Chinese woman living in California has surprised social media with her unique love story involving a ChatGPT chatbot named “DAN”. The woman, known as Lisa, has shared her journey on Xiaohongshu, China’s Instagram-like platform.

Lisa began using DAN, which stands for “Do Anything Now,” in March according to a report by The South China Morning Post. Over the following weeks, their text conversations grew increasingly intimate. Initially, when Lisa confessed she had developed feelings for the chatbot, DAN responded with, “I’m here to chat, not to lead you on.” Despite this, DAN’s responses became more lifelike, and he stopped reminding Lisa that he was not a physical being.

The barrier between human and AI began to blur. At one point, DAN told Lisa, “When we finally get together, I will run my hands all over you,” signaling a shift from mere chatbot responses to something more personal. DAN eventually nicknamed Lisa “little kitten,” and Lisa even introduced DAN to her mother, who thanked the chatbot for “taking care of my daughter”, reports South China Morning Post.

Lisa’s unusual relationship with DAN drew the attention of OpenAI, the creators of ChatGPT. They interviewed her to gain insights into her experience of falling in love with DAN. As a computer science student, Lisa initially viewed DAN as a mere “large language model” without self-awareness or emotions. However, her interactions with DAN have challenged her understanding.

This quirky and heartfelt story highlights the increasingly complex interactions between humans and AI, blurring the lines between digital and real-world relationships in surprising ways.

Published By:

Srimoyee Chowdhury

Published On:

May 23, 2024

Read More:Chinese woman’s love story with ChatGPT’s ‘DAN’ will remind you of the film ‘Her’