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Dubai Holding crowns winner of ‘Innovate for Tomorrow’ challenge

ARN News Centre

Five finalists from 150 global innovators presented their sustainability solutions at Dubai’s Museum of the Future on Monday.

It was part of Dubai Holding’s ‘Innovate for Tomorrow’ challenge, aimed at addressing critical sustainability challenges in the UAE, with a particular emphasis on fostering responsible consumption and production practices in alignment with UN Sustainable Development Goal (“SDG”) 12.

Each finalist had six minutes to present their solution followed by six minutes of questions from the panel of expert judges. 

The prize was AED 50,000, and the opportunity to partner with Dubai Holding in a pilot project in Dubai.

Only one finalist could be crowned winner, with Norway based company Othalo claiming the top spot. 

Othalo has developed a patented system that allows them to recycle plastic waste for construction materials to build affordable housing on an industrial scale.

“We have a patented technology that allows us today to utilize about 75% of all plastic waste in the world into affordable building materials. So we can mass produce mass manufacture, affordable housing,” said Frank Cato Lahti, CEO of Othalo.

“We are facing a huge issue when it comes to climate change, and we’re looking for solutions from innovators from around the world, to come and be part of the solution,” added Huda Buhumaid, Chief Impact Officer at Dubai Holding, who highlighted the significance of the challenge.

Read More:Dubai Holding crowns winner of ‘Innovate for Tomorrow’ challenge