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Father runs London Marathon for Riding for Disabled

A MAN from Sonning Common raised £1,300 for a charity by completing the London Marathon.

Jim Massey, 48, was running for Wyfold Riding for the Disabled, which provides horse riding to disabled children and adults.

He chose the charity as it helps his 16-year-old daughter Tilly, who is autistic.

Mr Massey, a finance director, completed the 26.2-mile run in four hours and 15 minutes despite carrying a leg injury.

He said: “It was my first marathon. I just wanted to see if I could do it and you hear such good stuff about it. I was really worried about whether I would even make it round as I had picked up an injury in March so hadn’t been able to do all my preparatory training.

“I went to Henley Practice for physiotherapy where Laurence Plant sorted me out and got me back on my feet.”

Mr Massey called the experience “absolutely incredible” because of the spectators that lined the route.

He said: “It’s hard to imagine just how passionate the crowd is — the cheering, the support, the high fives — it blew my mind. You got a little burst of energy every time you high-five someone. Towards the end, I thought I was fading when someone tapped me on the back and said, ‘Come on mate, not far to go’. It was really supportive.

“Seeing Tower Bridge and a guy carrying a washing machine were also fantastic.”

Mr Massey, who took up running after taking part in the Reading half marathon two years ago, said he was exhausted but elated to cross the line.

He then went home to dinner and a special cake baked by his wife and Tilly, who had watched the event live on television. He thanked his friends, family and work colleagues for their generosity.

Mr Massey said: “They were very supportive and encouraging me to keep going when I was a bit down and thought I might have to pull out.”

He also thanked the charity, where his wife is a volunteer.

“It’s a good local charity that really relies on donations,” said Mr Massey.

“Tilly had so much benefit and I wanted to give something back. It is fun for all the kids and adults and they get so much out of it.”

Read More:Father runs London Marathon for Riding for Disabled