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JR Central developing train running on hydrogen fuel cells | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

Engineers at Central Japan Railway are developing a train that runs on hydrogen fuel cells and produces zero carbon dioxide emissions. The company says the use of such clean energy can help decarbonize the railway industry.

JR Central demonstrated the technology at a research facility in Aichi Prefecture on Monday. Engineers tested the train on a railway track to check it had sufficient power to run and accelerate.

The cells generate electricity from the chemical reaction between hydrogen fuel and oxygen. They emit only water. The train also gets power from storage batteries.

The company says the goal of the research is to develop hydrogen-powered trains to replace diesel-fueled models now in use.
Tanaka Hidemitsu of Central Japan Railway said “To decarbonize the industry it is necessary to reduce use of diesel engines.”

Read More:JR Central developing train running on hydrogen fuel cells | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News