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Kishida arrives in Italy to attend G7 summit | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio has arrived in Italy to attend a Group of Seven summit.

Kishida arrived in the southern region of Puglia on Wednesday night. The summit begins Thursday.

The G7 leaders are expected to discuss regional issues, including Ukraine, the Middle East and the Indo-Pacific. Economic security, artificial intelligence, climate change and other topics will also likely be on the agenda.

Kishida plans to explain Japan’s actions and stances, based on the achievements of last year’s G7 summit in Hiroshima.

Topics for the first day will include the Middle East and Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy plans to join the session on his country’s situation in person.

Kishida will explain Japan’s stance on the handling of Russian assets frozen by sanctions and suggest ways to provide assistance to Ukraine.

On economic security, Kishida plans to express Japan’s concern about overproduction in China and stress the importance of a rules-based free and fair economic order.

Kishida also plans to say Japan will continue to play a central role in building an international framework for rules on artificial intelligence.

Read More:Kishida arrives in Italy to attend G7 summit | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News