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KUNA : Egypt, Spain: Immediate ceasefire in Gaza “important” – Politics

09:51 GMT

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and his Spanish counterpart Jose Albares
Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and his Spanish counterpart Jose Albares

CAIRO, Jan 22 (KUNA) — Egypt and Spain affirmed on Monday, the importance of an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, which came in line with the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2720, which called for easing and coordinating the process of the entry of humanitarian aids into Gaza.
As Egypt’s delegation will chair 10th meeting of the EU-Egypt Association Council, this meeting between Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and his Spanish counterpart Jose Albares occurred during his visit, said Egyptian Ministry of foreign affair in a statement.
Shoukry emphasized the need for an international pressure on Israel as a key factor in achieving an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza strip.
He praised Spain’s role in supporting Palestine, as he pointed out the responsibility of the European Union and the current members to intervene and put an end to the Israeli occupation continuous violations against the Palestinians civilians in Gaza and the West Bank.
On his part, Spain Foreign Minister applauded Egyptian efforts to find a solution to the crisis without expand the conflict in the region, through sending humanitarian aids to the people of Gaza as he highlighted the key role of Egypt in the peace and stability of the Middle East.
The two officials agreed on the continuous consultations and coordination to halt the war in Gaza, and the guarantee of establishing the State of Palestine. (end)

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