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LDP to withdraw east Japan pref.’s proposed ban on leaving young children home alone – The

Takumi Tamura, leader of Liberal Democratic Party members in the Saitama Prefectural Assembly, announces the group’s decision to withdraw a proposed ordinance revision in the city of Saitama’s Urawa Ward on Oct. 10, 2023. (Mainichi/Hiroki Masuda)

SAITAMA — Proposed revisions to a Saitama prefectural ordinance that would have banned parents from leaving young children home alone will be withdrawn in the wake of criticism, a local politician behind the measure announced on Oct. 10.

The ban had been proposed by a group of Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) members in the Saitama Prefectural Assembly. Group leader Takumi Tamura announced its withdrawal in a news conference.

The revisions to Saitama Prefecture’s anti-child abuse ordinance would have banned parents and guardians from leaving children of third grade age and younger alone at home. The proposed revisions did not include penalties but stated that if individuals found a child suspected of being abused, they must promptly report the case to authorities. The LDP members’ group had also explained that allowing children to go to and from school by themselves or leaving them at home with other underage siblings would constitute leaving the children unattended under the ordinance.

The proposal drew flak from prefectural residents and others for being far removed from the realities of life.

(Japanese original by Shoko Washizu and Reiko Oka, Saitama Bureau)

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