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Line it is Drawn: Star Wars Team-Ups and Mash-Ups to Celebrate The Acolyte


  • Follow @csbg to reply with suggestions for weekly drawings.
  • Recent theme: Star Wars mash-ups with comic characters.
  • Upcoming theme: Wolverine popcorn bucket drawings. Enjoy!

So every week, I post a topic here. You reply to it on the CSBG Twitter page (just write @csbg with your reply), our artists will each pick one of your suggestions and I will post their drawings based on your suggestions here every week. So every week you will have a new question and you will see the choices picked from the previous week.

To qualify, you have to be following @csbg when you reply – so go follow us and then give your answer to the following question/challenge (All suggestions due by 11:59pm Pacific Wednesday).

The topic for the next Line is…

As suggested by our own David Winters, it’s Wolverine popcorn bucket week! Either suggest other characters you’d like to be seen drawn like a popcorn bucket, or suggest famous comic book moments where the Wolverine popcorn bucket could appear

Read on for the drawings that came about courtesy of the last question/challenge!

In honor of Acolyte’s debut, let’s do a Star Wars team-up/mash-up week! Suggest comic book characters to be mashed up with or teamed up with Star Wars characters.


The drawings are in alphabetical order of the people who made the suggestions.

All copyright and trademarks of the following characters are held by their respective owners.

BigMike20X6 suggested:

Gwen Stacy is the Gwendalorian

This drawing is by Rod Allen. Here is his website.

Gwen Stacy as the Mandalorian

BigMike20X6 suggested:

“Punch it, Bluey!”

Daniel Middleton did this drawing. Here is his Webtoons comic.

Han Solo and Bluey

daviddwwilliams suggested:

Galactus meets the Death Star.

Brendan Tobin drew this one. Here is his website.

Galactus eats the Death Star

ewar231 suggested:

Mace Windu and John Stewart

This drawing is by David Winters. His website is here and his Instagram is here.

MAce Windu and Green Lantern team-up

FrikkityF suggested:

Hellboy rides a Rancor

Eric Lee did this drawing. Here is Eric’s website. Here is Eric’s Instagram.

Hellboy rides a Rancor

JohnnyUnusual suggested:

Mandalorian and Grogu as Lone Wolf and Cub

Andy Taylor did this drawing. Here is his Instagram.

Lone Wolf and Cub as Mandalorian and Grogu

MisterBigRedOne suggested:

Tigra as Leia

This drawing is also by Rod Allen. Here is his website.

Tigra as Leia

zhaxra suggested:

Ewoks vs. Predator

Axel Medellin drew this one. His website is here.

Ewoks versus Predator

Wow, the Force was with ALL of you this week! Well done!

Okay, folks, go make some weird ass suggestions for our weird ass Wolverine Popcorn bucket week!

Read More:Line it is Drawn: Star Wars Team-Ups and Mash-Ups to Celebrate The Acolyte