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Line operator says some 440,000 items of personal data leaked

As many as 440,000 items of personal data, including more than 300,000 linked to the Line messaging app, have been leaked, Japanese tech giant LY Corp. said Monday, due to unauthorized access to an affiliate’s computer system in October.

There have been no reports of misuse so far, the company said.

It said the leaked data related to Line services did not include information regarding bank accounts, credit cards or chat messages in the Line app, a popular social communications tool in Japan.

The data suspected to have been breached partly contained information regarding the company’s business partners and employees, such as email addresses, names and affiliations.

LY was formed in October through the merger of Z Holdings Corp. and its group companies Yahoo Japan Corp., a news portal site operator, and Line Corp.

The leakage was caused when malware infected a computer owned by an employee of a subcontractor used by the company’s South Korea-based affiliate Naver Cloud Corp., it said.

Naver Cloud and LY share an in-house system for dealing with employee and other personnel information that is managed with a common authentication system, and this allowed unauthorized access into LY’s internal system, the company said.

It said it is contacting users, business partners and customers individually who it believes are at risk of damage due to the leakage.

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Read More: Line operator says some 440,000 items of personal data leaked