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Live updates: Claudia Sheinbaum is set to become Mexico’s first woman president

Mexico City’s central Zocalo plaza erupts in celebration of Sheinbaum’s projected victory

Mexico City’s central plaza, the Zocalo, erupted in applause and cheers early Monday morning as Mexico’s projected first woman President Claudia Sheinbaum spoke and pumped her fist before the crowd.

“We women have landed in the presidency,” she said amid a roar from supporters. “We are going to govern for everyone.”

Chants broke out when she referred to her political mentor Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. She promised to “preserve his legacy” and continue many of his popular policies, including payments to elderly Mexicans and students.

However, instead of the packed plaza that greeted the current president six years ago, early Monday morning there were only a few thousand supporters – a sign that she still lacked the massive support her mentor enjoys.

Sara Ríos, 76, a retired literature professor at Mexico’s most esteemed university, celebrated the victory among throngs of other supporters, but said Sheinbaum has a long road ahead with many challenges, especially with the country’s ongoing cartel violence.

“She will make an effort to pacify the country and will make progress, but it is a slow process,” she said. “The only way for all of us to progress is by working together.”

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Live updates: Claudia Sheinbaum is set to become Mexico’s first woman president