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Lotto winner loses access to pension after cashing in on winnings

When widower and pensioner Frank Kemmler won a $60,000 lotto prize he thought his luck had finally changed for the better.

But after doing the right thing and declaring the win with Centrelink, he’s since lost his disability support pension.

Frank spoke to A Current Affair about the rollercoaster of emotions he experienced in winning the lotto.

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Frank said Centrelink told him his monthyl lotto payout was classed as ‘income’, meaning he was not eligible for the pension (Nine)

“It was certainly a nice feeling when I checked me numbers,” Frank said.

“I rang the family. I said, ‘pack up, we’re going on a holiday!'”

”[It] was a bit of a disillusionment. You think you win on the one hand, but they take it away with the other hand.”

Frank is now forced to pay full price for necessities like GP appointments and medication, which were previously part of his pension benefits. 

“The pension is not really my main worry, because I’m just trying to stop other people from falling into the same trap,” he said.

Frank said he wanted to warn other pensioners about his situation. (Nine)

“If I’d known then what I know now, I would’ve given the win to my daughter and kept the pension for myself.”

Frank’s winnings have now dried up, but Centrelink has told him it could take up to six months for his pension reapplication to be approved.

”These people that are buying these [lottery] tickets, there’s no warning anywhere … to say that you’re going to lose your pension.”

Watch the full video in the player above. 

Read More:Lotto winner loses access to pension after cashing in on winnings