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Myanmar’s UN envoy denounces junta | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

Myanmar’s ambassador to the United Nations, who was appointed before the military coup in the country, says the junta’s dictatorship is the biggest obstacle to Myanmar’s stable future.

Thailand’s parliament held a seminar over the weekend to discuss the situation in neighboring Myanmar, where the junta continues to rule after grabbing power three years ago. Senior members of pro-democracy forces were among the online attendees.

Kyaw Moe Tun was named UN envoy by the elected government before the military takeover and has remained in his post. He criticized the junta for introducing conscription to fill the army’s depleted ranks.

He said that no country is invading Myanmar, and there was no democratic decision-making. He likened the move to “modern slavery.”

The foreign minister in the National Unity Government formed by pro-democracy forces to counter the military said she asked the Thai government not to detain young Myanmarese who cross the border to escape the call-up. Zin Mar Aung said she invited the Thai authorities to instead offer them support.

Read More:Myanmar’s UN envoy denounces junta | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News