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Politics latest: ‘Fuming’ SNP claims Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle and Labour agreed ‘stitch

By Faye Brown, political reporter

Commons Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle is being urged to “come clean” about whether Labour tried to influence his handling of a debate on Gaza which descended into chaos.

Sir Lindsay, who is facing calls to resign, is meeting with Leader of the House Penny Mordaunt and party chief whips later today in a bid to smooth things over.

The number of MPs who have signed a no-confidence motion has now reached more than 50.

The row broke out on Wednesday night after he allowed a vote on a Labour amendment to an SNP motion calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Opposition parties are not usually able to amend opposition motions, only the government, so some Tory MPs saw the decision as unfair given Sir Keir Starmer was expected to face a significant rebellion had his party’s amendment not been chosen.

The SNP was also left furious that Labour’s amendment was chosen to be voted on first – leading to accusations Sir Lindsay had allowed the debate to be “hijacked” by Labour and resulting in Conservative and SNP MPs storming out of the chamber.

Health minister Maria Caulfield told Sky News “the rumours are that Labour were going to lose quite heavily and they tried to influence the Speaker with that”.

“He needs to come clean about what discussions were had,” she added.

Labour has denied this and suggested the Tories boycotted the proceedings because they were worried about a rebellion on their own side.

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