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Putin’s Weapon to Defeat the West Is Lies. He’s Winning.

“Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you.” So said Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in 1956, but history had other ideas. Now, 30 years after the fall of the USSR, Vladimir Putin, a self-styled historian of Russian and Soviet history, seems to be on Khrushchev’s wavelength. “The historical period of the West’s undivided dominance over world affairs is coming to an end,” he said last year during one of his interminable press conferences.

So how will Putin, with an economy a 10th the size of America’s and a battered army bogged down in Ukraine, bring down the US-led international order? By stealth of course, as befits a former KGB man. And also, warns Calder Walton, by relying on the recent American predilection for “post-truthism.” Walton, author of Spies: The Epic Intelligence War Between East and West and assistant director of the Harvard Belfer Center’s Applied History Project and Intelligence Project, adds: “When we can’t even agree on such things as facts, having a coherent strategy for information warfare is difficult — to say the least.” Thus he is working with Ellen McCarthy of the Harvard Kennedy School Intelligence Project, who is developing a tool that “will allow people to use AI to judge for themselves whether information on the internet is derived from a hostile state, or if it has been manipulated, fabricated.” They aim to roll it out before next year’s presidential election.

Read More:Putin’s Weapon to Defeat the West Is Lies. He’s Winning.