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Sacred ‘shimenawa’ rope at Japan’s Nachi Falls replaced ahead of New Year | NHK WORLD-JAPAN

Shinto priests have replaced a sacred “shimenawa” rope hung over Nachi Falls in Nachi-Katsuura, western Japan, ahead of the New Year.

The 133-meter-high waterfall in Wakayama Prefecture is part of a UNESCO World Heritage site. At the nearby Hiro-Jinja Shrine, an auxiliary of Kumano Nachi Taisha Grand Shrine, the falls are worshipped as a deity.

On Wednesday, five priests in white robes carried the rope up a path for some 30 minutes to the top of the falls.

As the replacement work began, they attached lifelines to their waists and entered an ice-cold river to tie the ends of the 25-meter rope to trees on either side.

Finally, they tightened the rope to make it taut.

Koga Maki, senior priest of Kumano Nachi Taisha, said they replaced the rope in hopes that the coming year will be fulfilling for everyone.

He added that he also wants to refresh his mind to welcome the New Year.

Read More:Sacred ‘shimenawa’ rope at Japan’s Nachi Falls replaced ahead of New Year | NHK WORLD-JAPAN