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Telegraph readers share their motivational weight-loss stories

Meanwhile, Catherine Nicholls commented: “Amazing result! I am concerned by the lack of vegetables in her current diet, however. A large amount of green leafy salad and vegetables has been consistently shown to lengthen life and prevent all kinds of disease.”

Fiona got back to Catherine: “I eat loads of vegetables and I love them all! Remember, the food examples listed in the article are just a very small snapshot of what I eat. I’ve shared lots of my food options on my Instagram page over the past eight years which have included lots of veggies”.

And Manu Patel shared: “Inspirational! I’ve started weight-training with a PT. I’m still very unfit, but after reading this I’m going to step up the effort.”

Fiona wrote: “Thank you and good for you in looking after yourself; we only have one life so let’s live it well”.

Now, we would like to hear from Telegraph readers who have undergone a serious lifestyle change in the name of health. 

Tell us about your experience by filling in the form below, and we may contact you for more details. 

Read More:Telegraph readers share their motivational weight-loss stories