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The true story behind ‘Napoleon’: who was the real Joséphine, first empress of France?

New film Napoleon looks set to be the blockbuster of the autumn. Starring Joaquin Phoenix in the titular role, this epic historical drama directed by Ridley Scott charts the French leader’s rise to power, and his relationship with his iconic paramour, Empress Joséphine, played by Vanessa Kirby. Yet for all Joséphine’s notoriety, speaking to Bazaar about the role earlier this year, Kirby bemoaned the comparative lack of attention paid to her legacy.

“I got so into her, I read all the books,” she says. “You go to Napoleon’s tomb and it is literally huge, like beyond, and hers is tiny, in the corner of a church, way outside of Paris. This woman had the most extraordinary life. You could do 10 hours on her, but because he was the one who fought all the battles [she was sidelined].”

In anticipation of the film (which is set for release in the UK on 22 November) we delve into the true story behind the narrative. Who was the extraordinary Empress Joséphine, and how did she fall in love with Napoleon – and survive the French revolution?

preview for Napoleon starring Joaquin Phoenix official trailer (Sony Pictures)

Who was the real Joséphine?

Much like Madonna and Cher, the French empress is known iconically by her first name only. Yet Joséphine was not, in fact, her real name, but a moniker bestowed upon her by her future husband. She was born Marie Josèphe Rose Tascher de la Pagerie in 1763, and was known more commonly as Rose or Marie-Rose when she met Napoleon.

The emperor took to calling her Joséphine, no doubt inspired by her middle name, and the nickname stuck. After her marriage, she was officially known as Joséphine Bonaparte.

a group of men riding horses

A still from the new film, depicting Napoleon on a military campaign


She survived the French revolution… just

Though she married the leader of the French republic, Joséphine was born a member of the aristocracy. Her family were country gentry who had settled in Martinique, a French overseas territory, and her father was once employed by the Dauphine of France, the wife of Louis XV’s son and heir who predeceased his father.

Josephine’s first husband was the aristocrat Alexandre de Beauharnais who was guillotined during the reign of terror in 1794. She was incarcerated at Carmes Prison, no doubt awaiting the same fate, but was freed after a period of several terrifying weeks, thanks to the fall of revolutionary Maximilien Robespierre, whose controversial policies had heightened the paranoia – and resulting bloodlust – of the preceding years.

“Much like Madonna and Cher, the French empress is known iconically by her first name only”

Through her marriage to Beauharnais, Josephine ended up changing not only her own history, but that of France. The couple had two children, Eugenie and Hortense, who were later adopted by Napoleon. Hortense would go on to marry Napoleon’s younger brother, Louis, and give birth to Napoleon III, the next real emperor of France, following France’s brief restoration of the monarchy. It was Joséphine’s line, therefore, which extended throughout history.

a group of people wearing clothing

Vanessa Kirby starring opposite Joaquin Phoenix in the hotly tipped drama

Aidan Monaghan//Apple

What was her relationship with Napoleon like?

After the execution of her husband and her own near-miss with death, Joséphine settled in Paris and embarked on several affairs with leading political and revolutionary figures. One of these was with the dashing young military leader, Napoleon Bonaparte, a rising star of the revolutionary army. Within a year of their romantic entanglement they were married, with Joséphine, who was six years older than her new husband, adjusting both of their ages on the marriage license to make them seem closer in age.

Their love affair has continued to capture the imagination for generations because of the survival of so many of their love letters. Napoleon’s in particular are full of lyrical ardour, elevated by the couple’s frequent periods of separation due to his military campaigns. Many of Napoleon’s letters are entreaties to his wife. “Come and join me, that at least, before death, we may be able to say, ‘We were many days happy’,” he wrote in a letter in 1796 from Italy, with another, from the same period, proclaiming: “To live within Josephine is to live in the Elysian fields.”

But all was not smooth sailing for the married couple who both began to have several extramarital affairs, provoking a fury in each other which is reflected in their letters. After Joséphine visited her husband in Genoa and is alleged to have left with another man, Napoleon wrote: “I don’t love you anymore; on the contrary, I detest you.”

She was France’s first ever Empress

Napoleon was elected emperor of the French in 1804. In a ceremony in Notre Dame Cathedral, he crowned himself and then crowned Joséphine empress. In her new role, Joséphine was a de facto queen and took on many of the same customs and court practices. During this period she was a famed style icon, praised for her elegance but criticised for her wild spending and colossal debts. Though these may have irked those at court (not least her husband) her patronage of the arts made her somewhat responsible for France’s part in the boom of neoclassicism and what came to be known as Empire Style.

preview for 'How I Got Here' with Vanessa Kirby

Joséphine’s marriage to Napoleon did not survive their new position. Joséphine could not have any more children and, therefore, she agreed to a divorce in order that the emperor could secure an heir. Their divorce may be history’s most amicable. Though Joséphine was allegedly furious at the decision, the couple stood together in January 1810 and read aloud statements of affection to one another as they officially parted. Despite the divorce, Napoleon insisted that Joséphine retain the title of empress and left her the Chateau de Malmaison near Paris, which remains a museum dedicated to the pair to this day. It was here that she died of pneumonia in 1814, just weeks after Napoleon’s abdication and exile.


Joaquin Phoenix as Napoleon, one of the most famous historical figures of all time


A lifelong love?

Shortly before her death, Josephine allegedly begged to be allowed to join her ex husband in exile. Her request was denied and her maid claimed that she “died of grief”. Napoleon was reportedly devastated by the news of her death, locking himself away for two days.

Despite their tumultuous relationship, their divorce and Napoleon’s remarriage to secure an heir, it is widely understood that, upon his own death in 1821, his final words were as follows: “La France, l’armée, tête d’armée, Joséphine…” (which translates as: “France, the army, the head of the army, Joséphine…”), suggesting that he, also, never really let go of his affection for his former partner.

Read Nore:The true story behind ‘Napoleon’: who was the real Joséphine, first empress of France?