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Trump attacks E Jean Carroll as he prepares to testify in defamation trial: Live

Donald Trump beats Nikki Haley in New Hampshire

Donald Trump’s defamation trial is set to resume in New York on Thursday morning after it was postponed earlier this week over concerns that both the jury and defence team had been exposed to Covid-19.

The former president had been expected to testify against complainant E Jean Carroll on Monday.

He is now expected to take the stand when the trial resumes today.

A previous jury has already found Mr Trump liable for sexually abusing Ms Carroll in department store dressing room in the mid-1990s and for subsequently defaming her.

He continues to vigoriously deny the allegations and, on Wednesday night, unleashed a series of attacks on Truth Social against the former Elle magazine columnist and the “Trump Hater” judge in the case.

“I’m heading back to New York City for a trial based on False Accusations, from perhaps decades ago,” he fumed.

This comes after the Republican front-runner celebrated his victory in the New Hampshire GOP presidential primary by mocking his last remaining opponent Nikki Haley as his grip on the party grows ever stronger.

Mr Trump called Ms Haley an “imposter” and expressed anger at her refusal to drop out of the race.


Susan Collins under fire for Trump ballot stance

The Republican senator for Maine is facing an onslaught of criticism after arguing on X that Trump should be on the ballot in her state, rejecting Shenna Bellows’ decision to exclude him under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution, which prohibits insurrectionists from returning to public office.

You may remember Collins heavily hinting that she would vote for Trump’s first impeachment in the Senate before bottling it and saying she was sure he’d learned his lesson.

A deadly riot, a second impeachment and 91 felony charges later, history is not looking kindly on her contention.

And nor are her fellow X users.

Joe Sommerlad25 January 2024 10:45


Maine Supreme Court refuses to weigh in on Trump 2024 ballot eligibility

Maine’s top court declined to weigh in on whether former president Donald Trump can stay on the state’s ballot on Wednesday evening, keeping intact a judge’s decision that the US Supreme Court must first rule on a similar case in Colorado.

Democratic secretary of state Shenna Bellows concluded that Trump didn’t meet ballot qualifications under the insurrection clause in the US Constitution but a judge put that decision on hold pending the Supreme Court’s decision on the similar case in Colorado.

In a unanimous decision, the Maine Supreme Judicial Court dismissed Bellows’ appeal of the order requiring her to await the US Supreme Court decision before withdrawing, modifying or upholding her decision to keep Trump off the primary ballot on Super Tuesday.

“The Secretary of State suggests that there is irreparable harm because a delay in certainty about whether Trump’s name should appear on the primary ballot will result in voter confusion. This uncertainty is, however, precisely what guides our decision not to undertake immediate appellate review in this particular case,” the court said.

Bellows’ decision in December that Trump was ineligible made her the first election official to ban the Republican front-runner from the ballot under the 14th Amendment. In Colorado, the state supreme court reached the same conclusion.The timelines are tight as Maine’s 5 March primary approaches.

The US Supreme Court is hearing arguments on the Colorado case on 8 February and Maine has already begun mailing overseas ballots.The nation’s highest court has never ruled on Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which prohibits those who “engaged in insurrection” from holding office. Some legal scholars say the post-Civil War clause applies to Trump for his role in trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election and encouraging his backers to storm the US Capitol after he lost to Joe Biden.

Trump contends Bellows should have recused herself and that she was biased against him. Trump said her actions disenfranchised voters in Maine and were part of a broader effort to keep him off the ballot.

Bellows, who was elected by the Democratic-controlled Legislature, said she was bound by state law to make a determination after several residents challenged Trump’s right to be on the primary ballot. She put her decision on Trump’s ballot eligibility on hold pending judicial proceedings, and vowed that she would abide by a court’s ultimate ruling.

Here’s Ariana Baio’s report on the original decision.

Joe Sommerlad25 January 2024 10:15


Truth Social: Trump lashes out at E Jean Carroll in social media rampage ahead of testimony

Also on social media last night, Trump was up late raging at the woman he will come face to face with once again in a Lower Manhattan courtroom today, again firing out a deluge of old social media posts of hers he disapproves of and claiming never to have even met her before.

Here he is raging about having to return to New York “for a trial based on False Accusations, from perhaps decades ago”, adding: “The Federal Judge in this Second Biden Political Opponent ‘Trial’ is extraordinarily hostile to me – Sadly, and I don’t know why, a 100% Trump Hater. He knows I did nothing wrong, but is looking to do a number on me. Only in America!”

Joe Sommerlad25 January 2024 09:45


Truth Social: Trump warns Haley donors will be ‘permanently banned from the MAGA camp’

Here’s our man playing the mob boss and issuing a Mafia-style decree banishing anyone who has made a campaign contribution to his rival from his orbit.

“We don’t want them, and will not accept them, because we Put America First, and ALWAYS WILL!” he frothed last night.

Joe Sommerlad25 January 2024 09:15


Trump double-digit New Hampshire win means Haley White House bid is doomed, his supporters say

Amelia Neath25 January 2024 08:45


Trump’s key weakness exposed in New Hampshire primary vote

Mr Trump defeated Nikki Haley in the New Hampshire Republican primary by an 11-point margin. Ever since he jumped into the race, Mr Trump has maintained a sizable lead among his GOP competitors. His recent victories in Iowa and New Hampshire have underscored his popularity among Republicans, but they have also uncovered some weaknesses.

Kelly Rissman takes a deeper look at the results:

Oliver O’Connell25 January 2024 06:45


Trump issues ominous threats of ‘investigations’ against Haley

The former president appeared to threaten his former UN ambassador after she vowed to continue her fight for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination.

“Just a little note to Nikki, she is not going to win, but if she did she would be under investigation by those people in 15 minutes. I could tell you five reasons why already, not big reasons, little stuff that she doesn’t want to talk about, but she will be under investigation in minutes,” said Mr Trump to a crowd of his supporters on Tuesday night.

“And so would Ron have been, but he decided to get out.”

Oliver O’Connell25 January 2024 04:45


Trump’s New Hampshire victory speech was full of false claims

Mr Trump spewed inaccuracies about previous elections.

The former president claimed that Democrats “used Covid to cheat” in the last presidential election. CNN host Jake Tapper interjected, saying, “Obviously, Donald Trump did not win in 2020, he lost that election and that’s been adjudicated over and over again, although to the crowd he’s speaking to, they believe it even though it’s a lie.”

He then asserted that he had won New Hampshire in the last two elections. “You know we won New Hampshire three times now three. We win it every time. We win the primary. We win the generals. We won it and it’s a very, very special place to me,” Mr Trump claimed.

While he has historically won the state’s GOP primaries, Hillary Clinton won the Granite State in 2016, and Joe Biden did the same in 2020.

Kelly Rissman25 January 2024 02:45


Haley campaign fires back at Trump’s ‘angry rant’

Mr Trump carved out part of his victory speech to address Ms Haley, seemingly unhappy that she had not dropped out of the 2024 race, emphasising that she had a “very bad night.”

He blasted Ms Haley as an “imposter” who’s still “hanging around” despite coming third in the Iowa primary last week and failing to secure a win in New Hampshire.

Oliver O’Connell25 January 2024 01:45


Watch: UAW president slams Trump after Biden endorsement

Oliver O’Connell25 January 2024 01:15

Read Nore:Trump attacks E Jean Carroll as he prepares to testify in defamation trial: Live