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Trump fumes about World War III, Biden, Afghanistan in furious Easter message – live

Donald Trump repeats resentments in first speech since arrest

Donald Trump appears to be struggling to get into the holiday spirit as he used his Easter message to fume about President Joe Biden, the Afghanistan withdrawal – and “WORLD WAR III”.

The former president made a series of all-caps rants on his Truth Social platform on Easter Sunday, just days after he made history as the first current or former US president to ever be charged with a crime.


The tirade continued throughout Sunday and in to Monday with posts slamming Biden administration as “the worst in history” in response to reports that the White House was blaming the Trump administration for the 2021 withdrawal from Afghanistan, and an attempt on Sunday to label various legal authorities as “racists” and “lunatics” for prosecuting his alleged misdeeds.

Meanwhile, former first lady Melania Trump has broken her silence for the first time since her husband was criminally charged with falsifying business records over alleged hush money payments.

The former first lady posted a simple “happy Easter” message on social media and then joined her husband in the Mar-a-Lago ballroom for Easter brunch.


Trump set for quick New York return to give deposition in lawsuit brought by Letitia James

Donald Trump is set to make a quick return to New York to give a deposition in a lawsuit brought by New York attorney general Letitia James, it was reported.

This will be the second time he is giving a deposition in the case – the first was last year in August when he refused to answer any questions citing the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

At the time, Mr Trump said that the investigation was a politically-motivated “witch hunt” against him.

Maroosha Muzaffar11 April 2023 05:24


Trump rants and raves about investigations against him

Donald Trump went on a tear on Monday as he repeatedly condemned the legal challenges piling up against him and denounced various law enforcement agencies around the country as supposedly controlled by “racists, lunatics, and radical left maniacs”.

Several all-caps screeds were posted across Truth Social by the former president as he faced indictment on 34 criminal counts in New York and the potential for more charges in three other separate criminal investigations into his conduct.

John Bowden11 April 2023 04:02


Trump impersonated for ‘SNL’ Easter message

In the latest SNL sketch, the former president — played by James Austin Johnson — compares his indictment to the persecution of Jesus and calls him a “nepo baby”.

In the clip, the actor delivers a perfect Trump monologue: “A famous, wonderful man arrested for no reason at all. If you haven’t put it together folks, I’m comparing myself to Jesus—again. And what better time than on his birthday, Easter?”

“We’re both very tall, very popular, and both, frankly, white Americans,” he explains.“He rose from the dead on the third day,” the actor said. “I would have done it faster—possibly two. Possibly two days. I think we could have done it a lot faster.”

“Because I’m a self-made billionaire and Christ was—let’s call it what it is—a nepo baby. I mean, his dad was God. It’s pretty easy to start a religion when your daddy’s God.”

John Bowden11 April 2023 02:00


There will be no efforts to hold Clarence Thomas for his seeming conflicts of interest

Despite the outrage, Mr Thomas will likely avoid any measures of accountability largely because nobody has a vested interest in doing so.

First and foremost, any impeachment proceedings would need to begin in the House of Representatives, which Republicans currently control. Given that Mr Thomas is one of the biggest stalwarts on the court for originalism, the specific ideology that many conservatives espouse when interpreting the US Constitution, they have no vested interest in doing so.

John Bowden11 April 2023 01:00


DeSantis expected to make first public appearance in South Carolina

Ron DeSantis is expected to make his first public appearance in South Carolina — a state which experts say will be crucial if he plans on launching a 2024 presidential bid.

The Associated Press reported that the South Carolina senator, Josh Kimbrell, will host the Florida governor for an event on 19 April in Spartanburg.

Mr DeSantis has been travelling to Pennsylvania, New York and Michigan in recent weeks.

“I have told everybody associated with his team, ‘You’ve got to get here early and often’,” Mr Kimbrell said.

“I’ve tried to make it clear to them that, if you want to win, you’ve got to get here early.”

John Bowden11 April 2023 00:00


Trump admits he is one inch shorter than he claims on arraignment paperwork

Donald Trump reportedly told officers that he was 6 feet and 2 inches tall during his arrest and arraignment in New York last week — an inch shorter than he claims to be.

The 76-year-old provided his personal information including height, weight and occupation to the police is a routine process for those booked on criminal charges.

He gave his weight at 240 pounds, Mediaite reported.

Alisha Rahaman Sarkar has the story.

John Bowden10 April 2023 23:00


Donald Trump Jr confirms he signed father’s porn star ‘hush money’ check

The former president’s son told right-wing network Newsmax that part of Mr Trump’s indictment on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records refers to his own actions.

“That son is me. Like I said, clearly also not a campaign finance violation if it’s from his own trust, not to a campaign, not from the campaign, not from the funds raised from it,” he said.

“So, none of it actually makes any sense.”

Rachel Sharp has the details.

John Bowden10 April 2023 22:16


Donald Trump attacked Ron DeSantis on Sunday and Monday after new polls showed him that he was still the GOP favourite despite the criminal charges.

The former president posted on his social media that his “polls are looking GREAT!” and added that he hoped “Republican leaders are watching this.

On Monday, he added: “Ron DeSantis is a young man who is not doing well against me in the polls, to put it mildly. I believe that if he decides to run for President, which will only hurt and somewhat divide the Republican Party, he will lose the cherished and massive MAGA vote, and never be able to successfully run for office again.”

John Bowden10 April 2023 21:29


Fox News reaches settlement with Venezuelan businessman over ‘defamatory’ claims about him and 2020 election

Fox News has reached a settlement with a Venezuelan businessman who sued the right-wing network for making false claims about his involvement in the 2020 presidential election.

Court documents, filed in the Southern District of New York, show that the Rupert Murdoch-owned network and businessman Majed Khalil settled the defamation lawsuit on Saturday.

The terms of the settlement have not been released.

“This matter has been resolved amicably by both sides,” a spokesperson for Fox News said in a statement. “We have no further comment.”

Read the full story here:

John Bowden10 April 2023 20:25


Trump’s lawyer claims liberal Manhattan will ‘infect’ process of fair criminal trial

An attorney for Donald Trump claimed on Sunday that the former president would not be treated fairly if his criminal trial proceeds in Manhattan, and would seek to have it moved.

“The issue with venue is that Manhattan was like 87 per cent pro-Joe Biden in the last election. It’s a real stronghold of liberalism, of activism, and that infects the whole process,” Jim Trusty told ABC’s morning show, This Week.

However, Mr Trusty said the legal team’s top priority was filing a motion to dismiss the charges against Mr Trump.

John Bowden10 April 2023 19:56

Read Nore:Trump fumes about World War III, Biden, Afghanistan in furious Easter message – live