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UK government drawing ‘suspicious lines’ around iconic English literature

Author Douglas Murray has criticised a government anti-terrorism unit in the United Kingdom for drawing “suspicious lines” around iconic English literature.

The list featured Douglas Murray’s ‘The Strange Death of Europe’ as well as the works of CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien, Joseph Conrad and George Orwell.

“This is some of the best thought and creative work we’ve produced and why do we, instead of celebrating it and in fact, sort of drawing these suspicious lines around it, why do we not venerate it?” Mr Murray told Sky News host Rita Panahi.

“Why not celebrate it and say to people, if you’d like to be part of this civilisation and you want to contribute to it, you’re welcome to.

“It’s not just for one group of people, it’s for everybody.”

Read More:UK government drawing ‘suspicious lines’ around iconic English literature