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USA-China: Blinken will meet Wang Yi today on the sidelines of the Munich Conference

The US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, will meet with the Foreign Minister of China today, Wang Yi, on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference. This was anticipated by anonymous sources quoted by the newspaper “Politico”. The last face-to-face meeting between the two officials dates back to last October, and was crucial in bringing about the subsequent meeting in California between the presidents of the two major world powers, Joe Biden and Xi Jinping. Wang met with White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan in Bangkok last month.

The note with which the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced Wang’s visit to Germany he makes no mention of a meeting with the US secretary of state. He did not provide advance information regarding the meeting, nor did the US State Department, according to which the agenda of Blinken’s visit to Munich includes discussions on Ukraine, the Middle East and “transatlantic security”. According to “Politico”, Blinken and Wang will probably discuss a telephone conversation between Biden and Xi to be organized in the coming months, as anticipated last month on the sidelines of the meeting in Bangkok between Wang and Sullivan.

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