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Wallace confirms resignation as UK defence minister in letter to PM Sunak

Cabinet meeting at Downing Street in London

British Secretary of State for Defence Ben Wallace walks on Downing Street on the day of the last cabinet meeting before the summer recess, in London, Britain, July 18, 2023. REUTERS/Anna Gordon/File Photo Acquire Licensing Rights

LONDON, Aug 31 (Reuters) – Ben Wallace confirmed his resignation as defence minister on Thursday in a letter to Rishi Sunak, offering the government his continued support while warning the British prime minister not to see defence as a “discretionary spend”.

Wallace, who helped lead Britain’s response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, said last month he wanted to step down after four years in the role and would quit as a lawmaker at the next national election to pursue new opportunities.

Seen as a strong advocate for increased spending on the armed forces, Wallace had hoped to be a potential successor to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg but Stoltenberg’s contract was extended by another year.

In his official resignation letter, Wallace renewed his appeal for the government not to turn to defence to make spending cuts.

“The Ministry of Defence is back on the path to being once again world class with world class people,” he wrote.

“I know you agree with me that we must not return to the days where Defence was viewed as a discretionary spend by government and savings were achieved by hollowing out.”

Sunak praised Wallace for this work, saying in a letter in response: “You have served our country in three of the most demanding posts in government: defence secretary, security minister and Northern Ireland minister.”

“I fully understand your desire to step down after eight years of exacting ministerial duties.”

Reporting by Muvija M and Elizabeth Piper; Editing by Kate Holton

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