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Iceland volcano: Almost 100 earthquakes strike in seismic swarm during eruption fears

Huge cracks appear on roads in Icelandic town at risk of volcanic eruption

Almost 100 earthquakes shook Iceland from midnight today, as the country remains apprehensive about an imminent eruption.

The strongest earthquake with a magnitude of 3.35 hit Vatnafjoll in South Iceland this morning at 5.56am, report the Icelandic Met Office.

Yesterday night a seismic swarm started around the dike intrusion just north of the evacuated town of Grindavik.

The Icelandic Met Office continues to warn of the “persistent likelihood of an imminent eruption”.

In its latest update, the forecaster said there were around 100 earthquakes on Monday, with a “swarm” near the town which lasted just over an hour before midnight.

A fortnight ago, Grindavik was evacuated after magma-induced seismic activity tore vast chasms through the streets of the town.

While hundreds of earthquakes are still hitting the surrounding area daily, “seismic activity continues to decrease”, said the Icelandic Met Office, adding: “The likelihood of an imminent volcanic eruption diminishes with time.”

However, one civil protection official told theThe Independent “It is still dangerous here … I have never seen anything like it before. Usually we will have a few minutes warning to get out, but with the weather like it is today, we have even less.”


ICYMI – What to do with Grindavík: Has Iceland’s #1 selfie spot just emerged out of the ground?

From the spectacular Northern Lights to the stunning waters of Blue Lagoon, Iceland is certainly not short of tourist attractions.

As fears of an imminent volcanic eruption subside, the town is looking at how best to recover after streets were torn up and residents fled for safety.

The crater left behind in the wake of the chaos spreads from a Lutheran church and nursery all the way through a children’s playground and underneath the fabled Grindavík basketball team’s plush new stadium with the season about to start.

Our reporter Barney Davis visited the town of Grindavik last week, here is what he discovered

Lydia Patrick28 November 2023 08:30


170 earthquakes hit yesterday

170 earthquakes hit the surrounding areas of Sýlingarfell and Hagafe on Sunday night, say the Icelandic Met Office.

At around midnight on 27 November a short-lived seismic swarm commenced in the vicinity of Sýlingarfell and lasted for roughly one hour.

“Earthquake swarms have persisted since land began moving on October 27 at Þorbjörn, although it has been fairly quiet the last few days,” says a statement from the Icelandic Met Office.

COSMO-Skymed interferogram spanning 24-hours between 18−19 November at 06:41. The broad uplift signal visible in orange/red around Svartsengi is indicative of a deep inflation

(The Icelandic Met Office)

Lydia Patrick28 November 2023 07:33


Locations of earthquakes

Map showing the “swarm” of earthquakes around the dike intrusion near the town of Grindavik, in the south west of the country.

(Icelandic Met Office)

Katy Clifton28 November 2023 06:00


Should you visit?

It’s a question many people have been asking. After reading the reports of a possible eruption, holiday-makers are understandably concerned over whether they should still make the trip.

The UK Foreign Office does not advice against travel to the island.

This is the latest advice: “The Icelandic authorities continue to monitor the area closely, particularly the area northwest of Mt Thorbjörn near the Svartsengi power plant and the Blue Lagoon.

“On 10 November, a Civil Protection Alert was declared after an intense swarm of earthquakes.

“The town of Grindavík was evacuated as a precaution. Some roads have been closed and visitors are advised to stay away from the area. Keflavik International Airport is operating as normal.

“While there is no current eruption, it is increasingly possible that one could occur. You should monitor local media for updates and follow the authorities advice on travel to the area.”

The town of Grindavik has been evacuated

(Barney Davis)

Alex Ross28 November 2023 05:00


One big job – someone has to do it

While a warning still stands of a possible volcanic eruption, contractors have got to work already on repairing some of the cracks which appeared in the evacuated town of Grindavik.

As this post on X shows, it’s going to take alot of earth to fill. but work has started on attempting to bring back into use some of the damaged roads in the town.

Alex Ross28 November 2023 04:00


‘Majority of the dike at Svarsengi has hardened’

The chances of a volcanic eruption is decreasing as 90 per cent of the dike has solidified, according to the professor of geophysics at the University of iceland.

Speaking to media outlet mbl.is, Magnús Tumi Guðmundsson added: “This doesn’t preclude that there’s still something left and that there’s still an open way the magma could go upwards, if more magma accumulates.

“But the likelihood of an eruption has become considerably lower than it was, among other things, because of this.”

Alex Ross28 November 2023 02:00


Media centre closed

While we’ve been continuing to provide full coverage of the situation in Iceland, including the sending of a reporter to the island last week, it appears media attention has started to wain as the chances of an eruption lower.

To accommodate foreign media, a centre was opened – but now local outlet RUV.is report “all the media people are gone – althought it cannot be ruled out that some are still in Iceland.”

The centre in Hafnarfjörðuris now available to rent.

Hjördís Guðmundsdóttir, communications director of Almannavarna, said: “You can’t walk in, but there’s all the information on the door,” she says. Point to a specific email address and the Tourism Office will respond to all emails received there, in consultation with the National Defense Agency.”

Alex Ross28 November 2023 00:01


Icelanders reunited with pets after fleeing homes amid volcano threat

Charities have taken part in a number of rescue efforts in a bid to save animals in the town with rescuers returning to look for animals.

Cats, dogs, hamsters and even hens were at the centre of rescue efforts after many were left behind following evacuation orders which gave residents minutes to leave. Over 4,000 people were evacuated.

Read the full article from Barney Davis

Holly Evans27 November 2023 22:00


Is it safe to travel to Iceland? Your rights if you have a holiday booked

The town of Grindavík, just 10 miles south of Keflavik International Airport, has been evacuated as a precaution.

Holly Evans27 November 2023 20:08


Has Iceland’s #1 selfie spot just emerged out of the ground?

From the spectacular Northern Lights to the stunning waters of Blue Lagoon, Iceland is certainly not short of tourist attractions.

As fears of an imminent volcanic eruption subside, the town is looking at how best to recover after streets were torn up and residents fled for safety.

Read the full story from our reporter Barney Davis here

Holly Evans27 November 2023 19:15

Read More:Iceland volcano: Almost 100 earthquakes strike in seismic swarm during eruption fears